Friday, March 09, 2007

feliz dia internacional das hipocrisias

ben heine cartoons
a poetic justice


Ben Heine said...

Thanks dear for inserting it. Could you explain me the symbolic signification of the title? Cheers

joice said...

hi Ben.. nice to see you here again!
about the title of this post - international hipocrisies' day: in spite of women's movements strength, their good will and fights and all the beautiful and touching homages, this international women's day thing always brings me this feeling of being something so hypocrite once the next day (or even the day itself) most people remain behaving mostly in such a sexist way, so it makes no sense to me.
sorry if i misused your illustration - i really loved it, by the way.

Anonymous said...

Primeiro, parabéns por este espaço encantador.
Segundo, hei de concordar contigo no post em questão. Pura hipocrisia da cultura ocidental, capitalista e excludente.

O mundo é feito de pessoas que pensam e tem alma perfumada.

joice said...

gracias, carlinhos, por tua visita e teu comentário perfumado e encantador. :-)