quando se entrega uma câmera a uma criança qualquer, que tipo de coisa pode-se esperar?
dificilmente ficará muito longe de que ela retrate seus brinquedos, bichos de estimação, sua bicicleta, sua festa de aniversário, seus amiguinhos. no entanto, quer ver o que acontece se esta mesma câmera for entregue a uma criança palestina do campo de refugiados Balata?
dá uma olhada no vídeo aí acima. é o projeto picturebalata.net.
traduzido e adaptado do post do Haitham, via Sabbah's Blog:
"when you give a camera to a ‘normal kid’, what photos do you expect to see? usually the child’s toys, favorite pet, the latest gift the child received from mom, his/her bike, maybe some photos from next birthday party.
but what if you gave the same camera to a Palestinian child from Balata refugee camp, what photos do you expect? Here are some"
Joice, it is wonderful that you put that video on IMPLICANTE. It needs to be seen by as many people as possible. I'm sure you won't mind if I write a short post on VIEW FROM THE MOON and ask people to look at the video on your blog.
It will be a pleasure to have your readers here, Fleming. This video is something to be shared, as much as possible.
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